全自动手机盖板超声波清洗机产品描述: ◆PLC程序控制与宽屏触摸屏界面,方便管理与操作,清洗效果一致性高。 ◆多臂式机械手,输送平稳,效率高。 ◆全自动手机盖板超声波清洗机高效率的超声波系统,各种频率段搭配,确保清洗效果。 ◆全自动手机盖板超声波清洗机自动进出料,清洗全过程机械手搬运,劳动强度低。 Product description: ◆PLC program control and widescreen touch interface, easy to operation and management, the cleaning effect of high consistency. ◆Stable running and high efficiency intelligent multiple robot arm. ◆High efficiency ultrasonic system and equip with various frequency ensure cleaning effect. ◆Automatic feeding, the overall process of cleaning manipulator handling to reduce labor intensity.