■ 技术参数technical parameter: |
型 号 | model | 650 | 880 | 1100 |
zui大复膜宽度 | max.width of complex film | 600mm | 800mm | 1000mm |
复 膜 速 度 | speed of complex film | 1.5-40m/min | 1.5-40m/min | 1.5-40m/min |
常用压合压力 | common press pressur | 5-12mpa | 5-12mpa | 5-12mpa |
重 量 | weight | 2000kg | 2200kg | 2500kg |
外 形 尺 寸 | contour dimensions | 3800×1260×2100 | 4300×1500×2100 | 5000×1700×2100 |
主电机功率 | power | 5.25kw | 5.25kw | 5.25kw |
电热总功率 | eletrothermicgeneral power | 15kw | 20kw | 22kw |
■ 用途: |
本机是一种设计合理、工艺*、结构紧凑、使用方便、热压性能稳定、适用范 围广的过塑机械。广泛应用于各类书刊封面、包装纸盒、文件、图片、挂历、产品样 本等的裱塑。具有提高印刷品的光亮度、清晰度、防潮防水性及使其色泽更鲜艳等特点。 |
■ user: |
it is a plastic laminating machine and features reasonable design,advanced workmanship,impacted strucure,ease of operation,stable not-pressing property and wide application.it is widely used for plastic laminating of various covers of books,periodicals,packing cartons,documents,pictures,calendars,product samples,etc.it can improve luster,clearness,water re-sistance and dump resistance of presswork and make the presswork bright. |
双面复膜机 |
double-side re-filmachine |