技术指标 TeChniCal index
光学特性 OPtiCal PrOPertieS激光输出功WLaSerOUtPUtpower: WIo瓦 w20瓦 w30瓦
激光波 K/Laser WaVeIength: 1064nm
工作范围/Working rang: 110*110mm (标准配置镜头)
工作深度/Working depth: ≤0.2mm
工作线速/Working SPeed: 12500mm / S
最小线宽/Min width: 0.03mm
最小字符/MinimUmCharaCter: 0.1mm
重复精度/RepeatabilityPreCiSion: ±0.01 mm
电控特性 EIeCtriCal CharaCteriStiCS输入电源/InPUtPower: 220v∕50HZ
功耗/Max POWer dissipation: 500w
其他特性 Other CharaCteriStiCS机器尺寸/Machine size:白色机型85*65*145Cm
蓝色机型65*85* 145Cm
机器重≡∕Machine weight: IOokg
冷却方式/Cooling mode:冷风 Air COOling
工作温度/Working temperature: 0-4OoC
适用行业 APPliCabIe industry
电子元器件、集成电路(IC)、电エ电器、 手机通讯、五金制品、工具配件、精密器 械、眼镜钟表、首饰饰品、汽车配件、塑胶 按键、建材、PVC管材等。
EIeCtrOniC components, integrated CiraJitS(IC), electrical appliances, COmmUniCations, hardware, tools, accessories, PreCiSi∞ instruments CIoCkS and watches, glasses, jewelry accessories, auto PartSl PlaStiC buttons, building materials, PIaStiC buttons, PVC pipes, etc.
适用材料 APPIiCabIe materia
普通金属及合金(铁、铜、铝、镁、锌), 稀有金属及合金(金、银、钛等),金属氧 化物,磷化、铝阳极化、电镀表面,ABS塑 料,透光按键、印刷制品、电子元件的封 装、绝缘层、エ业陶瓷等。
COmmon metals and alloys (iron, COPPer, aluminum, magnesium, zinc), rare metals and alloys (gold, silver, Iitaniurn, etc.), metal oxides, PhOSPhating, aluminum anodizing, electroplated surfaces, ABS plastics, Iight transmitting buttons, Printed products, electronic COmPOnent PaCkagingl insulation layer, industrial ceramics, etc.