技术参数 Parameter
单色油盅移印机功能特点 Feature
1 微电脑控制各功能动作,操作简单方便。
2 内设五位数自动记数器。
3 单色油盅移印机架构采用优质铝合金,质轻坚固。
4 采用油盅上墨,油墨浓度稳定,6-8小时内不需加添溶剂,油墨不易挥发,飞溅,接生节省油墨达55%以上,操作环境清洁舒适。
5 设有安全防护罩,符合安全要求。
6 各位置停留时间可调,以满足不同的印刷要求。
7 *的盅形刀口结构,刮油干净利落,移印产品清晰美观。
8 可以两次粘墨移印一次,以便获得较大的印刷油墨。
9 可以前后空行不落胶,防止稍停时油墨干涸。
1.Microprocessor control, easy operate;
2.With the sealed ink cup, no evaporation, no splash, no pollution, 50% ink saving;
3.Consistent sealed ink concentration, no thinner or retarder is needed for 6-8 hours;
4.When work finished, no need to remove the ink and clean the ink cup;
5.Reasonable and perfect design of scraper and ink cup, good agility ensures the high quality of products;
6.Automatic five-digit counter installed;
7.Easy to be assembled or disassembled, the durable ink cup has a long service life;
8.With aluminum alloy frame, the machine is light and sturdy;
9.The speed and the vertical stroke of the plastic heads can be adjusted independently;
10.The extra function "twice inking, once printing" is designed for thicker ink film;
11.For different requirements, the working speed can be adjusted.
油盅尺寸(Ink cup size) Φ90 mm 钢板尺寸(Plate size) 100x200 mm zui大移印压力(Max. pad pressure) 740 N(6bar) zui大移印速度(Max. printing speed) 1300 pcs/hr 耗气量(Air consumption) 130 Litre/min(6bar) 功率(Wattage) 110/220v 60/50Hz 50w 外形尺寸(Dimensions) 650x400x1284mm 重量(Weight) 85Kg