





产品名称:恩格1300T中大型注塑机 产品品牌: 报价:


每种机型有不同的螺杆直径可供选择,对客户的产品具有更加广泛的适应性.品种繁多的特殊原料螺杆,确保产品化.注射部件采用双导柱支撑、双缸平衡注射,使螺杆在注射前进过程中受力平衡均匀.优质合金氮化或镀铬螺杆,氮化料筒,具有耐腐蚀、耐磨损、使用寿命特长等优点.液压系统采用世界的油泵与控制阀组合,可精确控制液压机构的力、速度及方向,保证了整机的准确性、可靠性、耐用性.电脑采用注塑机控制器,双CPU控制,可靠性好.屏幕保护功能,延长显示屏使用寿命.*发光二极管为输入/输出点显示状态,使操作和维修人员更容易掌握系统的动作状态.高品质的电器元件,强化的硬件回路,抗*力更强,运行更可靠. 拉杆由优质合金结构钢经严格的调质处理,精加工,镀硬制趁成,具有高强度和高耐磨性.曲轴含油衬套的设计,并配备集中自动润滑系统,使得关节零部件润滑效果更好,提高关节使用寿命.多段锁模速度及压力控制.震动顶针、退针速度及压力可调整,使用震动顶针时,毋需退回至终点,可再次顶出动作,节约周期时间.
The injection unit incorporates a Dual-Pillar supporting system with Balanced Twin Cylinder Injection Unit for evenly distributed force and rapid screw motion. High quality nitride or chrome plated alloy screw with a nitrogen-treated barrel provides anti-corrosion with high wear resistance for an extended working life.The hydraulic system incorporates high quality Pump and Control Valve technology using world famous brands, which precisely control all machine functions to ensure accuracy, reliability and repeatability.A Special Twin CPU controller is used in HS series machines. CPU controller and display are independent and reliable.A Screen saving function extends the LCD display life.Ultra bright LED’s are provide for input and Output point inspection. Providing convenient indication of the machine’s operation and machine servicing.Industrial quality components and circuit hardware design provide a stable and reliable control system.Chrome plated tie bars, made from alloy and structural steel are designed and manufactured for high rigidity and wear-resistance .The toggle system uses oilsleeve bushes lubricated by an automatically control central lubrication unit which provides excellent lubrication quality to all points and extends the clamping units workinglife.Multi-clamping speed and pressure control.Adjustable speed and pressure control of ejector and vibrating ejector function . Ejector does not need to retract fully during vibration in order to reduce cycle time . A wide variety of screws are available for different polymer processing requirements.Special engineering materials are used to manufacture the screws to ensure optimal qualityAnd processing life .